Life of Data

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    Life is something that has value. It can be some give a value to that or the "that" itself give its value. And this goes with importance that’s why in most movie, especially the antagonist or “bad guys” kills their subordinates if they think that they are not important to them. And this goes with the information or the data. Personal data that are gathered by an organization, for example, exam results that are gathered by a school or university, has life and so also has life span. This means they are oblige to remove if certain condition met, likewise they are not allowed to destroy such data if it is still used by the university or that user or if the conditions haven’t met yet.

    In line with this, actions where it is used outside from the purpose or authorized disclosure of information are also considered as illegal. Example of which is the one I discussed in my previous blog. Thus this reminds us to be sensitive, to the owner of that data or to the data itself. There is nothing will be lost in asking permission before collecting data but instead you will gain respect to them and they will also respect you. It is basically a win-win. 


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